Evisu Jeans/Genes... REAL or FAKE?
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Hi. I'm making a quick guide about how to determine if the Evisu jeans you're looking at are real or fake.
After selling several genuine pairs on ebay for £70/80 each I'm noticing people buying fakes for the same price and even more!
Obviously if you like the style and know theyre fake then sure, buy them. If not there are very easy ways to tell - even without selling 5 pictures of sections of the jeans!
Heres some factors which will allow you to determine whether the Evisu jeans you're looking at are real or fake:
The first point is the easiest to rule out a pair of fake jeans. If it has a small material red tag coming out the left side of the right back pocket like so...:
No question about it. Evisus have never came with these tags and never will. It actually looks like a Levis tag but it says Evisu!
If the tag is anywhere else they are also fake.
All Heritage, No. 2, No. 3, No. 1 Special and all brown leather-tagged jeans should have:
Heres a few points about it:
-The lot & size and the No. 2, No. 1 etc markings (if any) should all be black. There doesn't have to be either present on the tag - although there normally is
-The stitching around the edges should not touch the red logo. It is ok if it touches the black lot & size slightly
-Some fakes have a darker logo, a shiny plasticy "leather", and sometimes a lucky attempt at good stitching!
The inside size & wash label should be:
Around 1 3/4 inches long. Fakes often have a shorter label (1 1/2 inches or shorter)
Some genuine jeans include a silver strip above the size label - although this is not common
The man on the logo should be nice and clear. Fakes often have a blured or squint logo
The gul... the most important bit
Often Evisu jeans - real or fake will come with the famous diacock (gul) on one or both pockets.
A genuine gul should:
Have nicely-curved and sharp edges. Fakes often look squint and change tichkness throughout the gul
Be above the horizontal line across the pocket. Fake jeans (like the one pictured) will often cross the horizontal line on the pocket
Be reasonably within the vertical stitching. Genuine jeans often cross the stiching at the left of the gul and touch it on the right side. Fake jeans normally cross both vertical lines by quite a bit...
...although some styles of Evisu jean have guls that touch the edges of the pocket. If you check on the evisu website* or another authorized dealer's and the gul is as is on the ebay pictures then ignoire this point.
Be on an almost symetrically-stitched pocket. Fake pockets normally have an unequal stitching - like squinted lining or forming different shapes at either side
Be the same colour throughout. 99% of stitched & painted guls are just one colour per gul. I've seen one pair with different colours of stitching throughout and theyre worth £500+ as No. 1 Specials
Other points to note:
-The tags on your jeans (if any) should look striking and unfaded. Fake tags are often cheap photocopies and prints of a much lesser quality
-The jeans should never be tagged more than 3 times unless they have additional tags of a shop or company other than Evisu
-99% of genuine Evisu jeans have 5 BUTTONS. Evisu jeans never come with a zip fly
-BE CAUTIOUS! Watch out and be generally aware. If someone is selling a pair of jeans with a small, low-quality picture and they have 0 feedback then that's really telling you something
-Always request more pictures if unsure. You can request more pictures from the seller by email. Request pictures of specific parts i.e. the inside tag and the bottom of the leg turned up. Do this especially if the person only has pictures which you are sure are taken from a website rather than self-taken
-Evisu jeans (unless EU ED) normally come with 2 tone stiching of a golden yellow and a bronze-like orange
-Check feedback and make sure if the persons selling a lot of pairs they have a good amount of feedback commenting on the jeans genuinity
-*Reference www.evisu.com, www.baggamenswear.com and other official retailers to see if you can see the jeans you are looking at on there. You can even match up the jeasns you are looking at to the ones on the website
-EVISU MAKE VERY, VERY FEW PAIRS OF SHORTS FOR MALES. I'm sure the figure is within the hundreds of pairs made (and for hundreds of pounds) so it's not very likely that you'll come accross a pair for £20 on Ebay
-Evisu make so many different qualities of denim but if your jeans are Heritage, No. 2, No. 1 Special, No. 3 or have japanese symbols on the tag they should always be dark blue-very dark blue-black in colour. If new they should be quite stiff when you receive them
I hope using this guide sets you on your journey to helping get fakes off of Ebay by boycotting the sellers (who buy for £10 each and sell for whatever you bid)
If you are really concerned about whether a pair is fake or not then you can contact me by sending me a message on ebay. I shouldn't take too long to reply
[From this website link.]
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